BUON NATALE MY DEAR FRIENDS! Merry Christmas to you all!
Thank you for supporting me in these months! This blog is very young but the results it acheived are really unexpected! thanks for your messages and your feedbacks!
I’ll go on reading your messages and requests. Your ideas helped me a lot! We are really starting to create the My Little Italy community I hoped! And it’s even better than I thought!
I’m preparing for the big family lunch, typical in Italy. We begin eating at 1 p.m. and we finish who knows when! We cook so much food that we go on days and days after doing the leftovers meals and sharing it with friends, creating lots of party occasions.
The tradition of avoiding meat on Christmas Eve is mainly for religious reasons, but actually it’s helpful to prepare the stomach for the Christmas lunch.
Wait… I must admit that also on Christmas Eve, even if we eat fish, our tables are full of food (some of this will finish in the leftovers dinner with friends!)…so… yes! We eat all festivities long! WOW!
Well, all this to wish you a the Best Christmas ever! Spend some quality time with your families and friends!
All the best to you!